Epsilon Study shows mail remains the most trusted among consumers. According to the study, 36% of US consumers said direct mail is their channel of choice to receive marketing information in many categories, including financial services information.

20% increased campaign payback by combining direct mail with another marketing activity. - Brand Science

18-34 year olds prefer to learn about marketing offers via postal mail rather than online sources. - National Survey Research from ICOM said Lisa Formica, President of FMI.

53% of 18-24 year olds visited a web site after receiving a promotional direct mail piece. - Brand Science

14% portion of catalog purchases who obtained their merchandise via mail.

2.95% redemption rate of coupons sent with sample.
2.28% redemption rate of coupons sent without sample.

Method of contact preferred by consumers:
76%= Regular Mail
8%= E Mail
6%=In Person Visit
3%=No Answer

Percentage of sales from paper catalogs vs. website:
Catalogs=80%, Website=20%

Case Study: UK's average response rates:
11.3%=Direct mail to consumers
9.9%=Direct mail to business
15% filter mail before passing on to managers
66% of managers open it and filters 80%
6.5%=door drops

Airline TV commercials and direct mail packs program:
Program-brochure in mail package incorporated a frame from TV commercial and free flight bag as an incentive for booking.

Result-demonstrated benefits of integrated multimedia campaign.